Thursday, May 14, 2009

5:30 AM?

Hi everyone!!

So today has been another interesting day here in Lennox Head, as you can see by Mikes post earlier we all learned to stay away from that terrible substance that will not be named... Also, because of the time differences some of us are still having trouble adjusting and end up going to sleep around 8 at night and thus waking up around 6 in the morning with nothing to do. This hopefully will get better the longer we are here. Besides laying out on the beach, exploring around the area, and walking around town we had two lectures today on Physiotherapy and on Surfing Injury. We learned that physiotherapy is a very competitive career choice here due to the fact that it is in high demand. With this profession you can work at numerous places with many different populations. We also learned about what to expect tomorrow when we have our first surf lesson, which is apparently that we will all fall and as they say get "dumped on". That did not go over well with some of us and as we went over the different ways we can be injured, the words of advice we got were to protect our face. This is because we might fall off and bounce right back up excited because we still are in one piece but due to the recoil fact of the board being attached on a cord to our leg it will rebound and hit you in the face if you are not careful. None of us want this. Also, some stretches were learned to help us stretch certain body parts before surfing. These will come in handy for tomorrow. Right about now we are about to head into town and enjoy some dinner, most of us are heading to a little pizza place which should be fun! Then its back to our cabin, hopefully tonight we can stay up a little later then 8 and help fix the problem of waking up so early and having nothing to do! Thats all for now! Talk to you again soon!!

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