Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Oh hell.."Doubtable"

So we woke up this morning to crazy winds coming off the beach; it looked much like hurricane waves from the beach. However it was goodbye Lennox Head and hello Canberra (aka too cold for me!). We packed up our stuff and bye 10:45 our luggage was smooshed into the bus and Phil was driving us to the airport. The plane ride was only about an hour before we arrived at Sydney airport for a layover. I had my first Krispy Kreme experience and I have to say that I do approve. The next flight to Canberra was only 23 minutes! and by the time we were leaving the airport we were all too wiped to function. All you can eat dinner was next! the boys pigged out and I did as well, not going to pass up free food at this point. The night ended with a brief lecture given by 18 yr old basketball player Brock Motum (future Washington State player). He spoke briefly about the structured life at AIS, his struggles leaving home and his plans for the future. We did our best to fill him in on all that is American culture and a few things to look out for in college. Tomorrow we're scheduled to be up at 7:30am and we won't finish till 9pm, lord help us! I haven't functioned that many hours since leaving the US! Cheers =)

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