Monday, May 11, 2009

Indy airport

Hello! This is Tom, Al, Mandy, and Tam; and we're sitting in the Indy Airport waiting for our flight, with every one else that's going with us. We are looking forward to the long fights ahead of us. We were amazed by the x-ray machine and how how-tech the checkpoint area is. Plus it was speedy for all 13 us to get through in a timely fashion, which is not all of us. We are meeting more in LA. As we are sitting here waiting for the plan, we will catch you up to date on what has happened before all we all meet up. Tom and Mandy are both from Hope College and traveled to the airport together. Al and Tam are both from Ball State University. We all meet up at the airport this morning. As we got all our bags checked, it took Tam forever to get her's checked, just because she was the first to check her bag. Every thing worked out okay, and all our bags are checked to LA. Now it's time for a quick group photo every one in Indy. After our amazing photo it was time to say our goodbyes to our families. Then off to the checkpoint. As we sit here at our gate, we are all getting to know each other, by playing games and chatting. Its offical time for us to board our plane. Next time we blog we'll be down under.

Good day Mates!

Tom, Al, Mandy, Tam

PS... Happy Mother's Day.

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