Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Trip to Sydney

Well this blog is a day late but I couldn't get to internet yesterday! Yesterday we had stretching and toning class which was actually yoga! I love yoga. Our instructor had us do some of the common yoga poses, the ones most people think of, the tree pose, downward facing dog, cobra, but then she gave us a more advanced pose, I am not sure I remember the name but it was basically a modified hand stand. We finished the yoga lesson with relaxation. We relaxed everything from our toes to heart to thyroid and parathyroid. Who knew you could relax your thyroid gland!! We then had a lecture on nutrition which helped me to learn what a pre-game, during game, and post-game meal should consist of. I have been trying to learn about sports nutrition and this really helped! It was then we were off to our bus that was taking us to the train station. We were all excited to see a kangaroo while on the train we were told by many people that we would see lots of them but no luck. We never saw a kangaroo in the wild I guess we will just have to wait until the zoo! When we got to Sydney it was a little hectic trying to figure out the train system especially for a country girl like me! To my suprise I actually figured it our quite quickly! I would say I am on my way to being a train system pro! haha, okay maybe not that far. I am excited to see what the rest of our time in Sydney will bring us!

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