Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Day 2- May13th

Today was our first full day in Lennox Head, most of us started our day at 6:30am because we are still a little messed up with the time change. A lot of the time today was spent at the beach or exploring town. At the beach it seems like every person walking has a dog, which is great because that meant that we got to play with the dogs! The town is a pretty small town but has a lot of little shops and some cute places to eat. Jenna and I tried the local fish place, fishy fishy, and the fish and chips there was amazing!! We have been eating other meals, breakfast and dinner, as a big group because we pooled our money and are cooking in the kitchen.
We had our first lecture today and learned about exercise physiology in Australia. It is recognized here as an allied health care which means that they can practice on their own and doctors can refer patients to them. We also learned a little bit about the Australian healthcare system and how doctors can refer a patient to a variety of health care professionals and they all will work together as a team to get the patient back on the right track. Also did a participation part of the lecture and learned all of us needed to stretch more!! Tomorrow is filled with another lecture and more exploring!! Have a great night/day!!!


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