Friday, May 22, 2009

Breakfast Variety

So the other day we had breakfast for the first time at Canberra. I looked down at the spread on the buffet line and saw the usual suspects like pancakes, egg loaf, fruit, and spaghetti. Wait....spaghetti? Yeah you read this right, spaghetti. Pretty bizarre a mate? When I think of eating spaghetti I usually think of it around dinner time or sometimes lunch. But for breakfast? No way. So then I figured it was just a fluke and maybe the chefs messed up or something. Man was I wrong. This morning they had it again for breakfast along with some delicous baked beans. Nothing says waking up like a nice plate of baked beans and spaghetti. More like a day filled with gaseous excretions whether they be the sneaky ones you let out in class or the ones you let rip in your room. I am still puzzled at the fact though that someone things spaghetti is so delicous at breakfast that they need to serve it on a consistant basis. That someone is sorely mistaken. Thats all I have to say about that. Cheers!!

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