Sunday, May 31, 2009

If home is where the heart is...Can i go back home?

So it's my 2nd lovely day back in MA and I've been up since 5am..thank you jet lag! Well after crying hysterically at leaving all of you at the airport, I figured it was a sure shot that all of this was out of my system. -ha "doutable" The weathers nice at home and all (no real complaints) but really, did those 3 weeks just happen?!? I've spent the past 4 hours researching how to go back and if my degree transfers to Australia because I for sure have not had my fill of that country. I can legitimately say that was the most amazing, exciting and outright entertaining experience of my life thanks to each and every one of you! Yes I just said legitimately but really, let's be honest, you'll all probably start using wicked on a regular basis now (i thoroughly enjoy that word as you've noticed).
Anyways, I think we can all agree that the learning wasn't all bad and really I enjoy their medicine (acupuncture and such) far more than what we have in the US. Probably because I'm bitter the ER doctor thinks I have patella tendonitis and the orthopedic surgeon isn't available till Tuesday! Yea, gotta love doctors back home..apparently that loud crack was my tendon snapping over the bones in my lower leg? (that should probably scare many of you seeing as well, he's a very highly paid and respected individual that has no idea what he's talking about! lol) O well, future updates to come..
But really, back to reality and what's really important about this trip. I could not have had a better time with a better group of people and I can promise that I will never forget any of you! Whether it's Mike's sarcasm, Tom's late night lusting, Alex's..well....habits?, Jared's love for Fabulicious, Jenny's fish, Beth's motion sickness, Lauren's leeches, Deanna's wonderful picture taking! (not ha), Danielle's adventures (or what the boys version of them were) or all of Megan's blonde moments (elevators still don't move sideways!) I'm sure I will be telling these stories for a long while. By the way, the parents loved the Cheeky Monkey pics - WARNING - do not go to sleep before removing you're camera card! haha
Well, I hope I've left you all with some good memories and good luck to everyone with whatever you choose to do in life! For some of you this isn't goodbye it's more like see you soon but to the others, stay in touch and never forget what was Australia 2009!

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